House - Haka Competition

By OBHS | Posted: Thursday March 9, 2017

This years School Haka competition saw an impressive set of performances by all of our students in their Houses.

The judges - Matua MacTe Ngahue, Whaea Lynn Vare and Whaea Kirstin Taylor were treated to four fine performances of the School Haka, and the results were close. The boys have been practicing for weeks and the overall confidence and pride they showed was fantastic to see. It was a real credit to the kaea who have led and taught their fellow students - well done to Te Ngaru Wehi, Taina Te Ngahue, Jake Fowler and Taulosena Nika, a great effort - ka mau te wehi!

However, there can only be one winner, and the judges were unanimous in announcing Aspinall House in first place. Second place went to McIndoe, closely followed in Third place by Saxton and in Fourth - Park.

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