Any Questions?

By Lynn Vare | Posted: Tuesday March 14, 2017

There are lots of great resources for information on the web. Throughout the year I will update you on a number of quality online sites that I recommend for our students. 

An excellent resource to begin with is National Library's AnyQuestions service.

It's basically an online information desk where the student gets to log in and chat to a real librarian about their inquiry. It runs from 1pm - 6pm weekdays and is staffed by librarians from libraries around the country. They don't give out easy answers, instead the Librarian asks questions to get students thinking about what they are looking for and then directs them to where they can find the answers. 

This is really good for learning how to research. Another great feature is their ManyAnswers archive of popular inquiry subjects from AnyQuestions, so students should look there first to see if their topic is covered. 

Safe, reliable information that is quality assured along with valuable hands-on information literacy skills - check it out!!