Old Boys' Society News

By Brent Alexander | Posted: Friday March 17, 2017

The Old Boys Society held their AGM on February 15th which was well attended. Some robust discussion ensued around what is a workable model for the Society. While our core purpose remains (The promotion and fostering of comradeship and good fellowship… The promotion of the interest of the School…) our thinking and framework for delivering meaningful value to our members and to the school needs to move forward in these changing times. This new model is still a work in progress but please be assured your committee and the Rector remain committed to the success of the Society.

We have put together a calendar of key events for the coming year so please keep an eye out on email and social media for dates and times. These include a pre-concert social gathering before the Jonathan Lemalu concert on Wednesday 12 April from 5.30pm onwards at the Terrace Bar.  A social gathering around the Kings/OBHS rugby match on  16th May, as well as a luncheon later in the year with a keynote speaker.

I see Grant Humphrey has organised the annual Kings/OBHS Old Boys Bowls match this year to be held on 5th April at the Mornington Bowling Club.  

The 12th annual OBHS Old Boys Golf Classic is being held on Friday 7th April. This tournament has grown in popularity and success over the years and has become an important fundraiser for the school as well as key social gathering of old boys and friends. We have a packed field and a full line up of hole sponsors. We are grateful for the continued support of all our sponsors, in particular Crest Clean as the major tournament sponsor. Our thanks go to Tom West and Nick Fisher and their team of helpers for their efforts in organising this event. We look forward to another enjoyable day out of the office.

My youngest lad, George, is off to Mt Aspiring camp this week as a 7th form (year 13) leader with a 4th form class. Many of us hold very fond memories of our time at the Mt Aspiring lodge. Its value to the school and to the development of our young men has not diminished in the 43 years since its inception. However it is in urgent need of some repairs and maintenance and the rector will be calling on us Old Boys to lend a hand or perhaps to make a donation to go towards it’s upkeep. Your support with this is appreciated.


Brent Alexander
