By Mark Hooper | Posted: Tuesday March 28, 2017
Our Year 13s are a fine year group for whom we have targetted extra support this year to help ensure we avoid what is sometimes called the "7th form year" or "checking out in July". Every year we hear our Year 13 boys early in Term 1 commit to their final year being their best, but the eventual outcome not quite matches this sentiment.
On Monday 3rd April starting at 7pm in the auditorium all Year 13 boys, with at least one parent, (hostel parents we understand may find it too big of an ask to attend) will attend this opportunity to hear the raw facts about how, in the past, Year 13s lose their focus somewhat on the final part of their 5 year journey. More importantly the evening will be focussed about what we can all do to support all Year 13s to ensure we all commit to changing a culture for our graduating young men.
Since results day, much work has gone on in the background to source ideas, engineer new plans and help resource support with the aim of guaranteeing the best of the 5-year journey for our Year 13s is their final year. The statement "best" is measured by all round success with academic outcomes at the centre - it is after all our core business. We also want the year group to have the best year on the sports pitches, the stage, the debating chamber and all the other opportunities that come their way.
This is quite a significant event for the school and the Year 13 cohort. All the boys were told on Monday morning it is a compulsory evening for all to attend.
We look forward to seeing you in the auditorium next Monday 3rd April for a 7pm start. Allowing for questions, the aim is to finish at 8pm.