2017 Term 1 Students Of The Term

By OBHS | Posted: Wednesday April 12, 2017

This award recognises one young man in each year level who has lived our school values: Respect, Perseverance, Honour, Courage and Excellence. He ideally will be a student who has shown through his actions these values, not just his potential. This award, we hope, will inspire all our students. 

Year 9

Brayden Foote

Brayden is a diligent student and a respectful high achiever. He always completes his homework to an exceptionally high standard and has gained excellence in a number of tests so far this year. Brayden is a punctual, polite and engaged student who is always ready and willing to help a classmate.

Year 10

Zayne Marks

Zayne has completed excellent work in Digital Technology this term. Throughout his week at Mt Aspiring camp he showed perseverance and determination with difficult activities, never giving up. He was one of the first students to volunteer help for the duration of the camp.

Year 11

Charlie Marsh

Charlie shows leadership both inside and outside of the classroom. He is a diligent and respectful student who is prepared to go the extra step with his work. Charlie manages to keep up with his class work despite his many co-curricular activities.

Year 12

Hamuera Kereopa

Hamuera represents all of the Otago Boys’ values: Respect, Courage, Perseverance and Honour. He is a respectful and resourceful student who uses out of class time to prepare for curricular assessments. He is always willing to give his very best.

Year 13

Malcolm Crack

Malcolm is a focused student who has not only produced some outstanding work throughout the term but embraces the school values. His community spirit was evident with his assistance during the school fair.