Year 12 - Creative Writing

By Shay Thom | Posted: Monday May 15, 2017

The water moves swiftly around my outstretched fingers, cooling them quickly. I pull my hand out and watch the drips, transparent.

They fall as if snatched by gravity, each one disappearing into abyss below. In the gentle breeze my hand is cold, yet the sun beams down upon me; my body gladly soaks up the rays. Small, salty waves lap and caress my paddle board, rocking me in a lull of leisure. I inhale the fresh salt infused air, savouring each breath. I drift away without a care in the world. The existence of the human race could end at this second, and I would die a happy man. My stomach rumbles, shaking me out of my day dream. It is time to return home.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, change hands, then repeat. The rhythmic flow of the paddle dips into the water. The board cuts through the ocean, steaming forward at a rate of knots. My arms are the pistons, my oar, my propeller, driving me closer to home. I enter Blueskin Bay, my Atlantis, my place of sanctuary. The water shimmers and shines. The light dances gracefully upon each ripple of water. I round the final bend, drifting towards the beach. The day is still young when I catch a glance of my destiny, my love at first sight.

She is sitting on the beach. I have to have her. I slowly approach, creeping ever closer. Her curves, the way she looks from behind, draw me towards her like a magnet. I know she is just waiting for me to take her and lead her away into the sunset. She is a sleek figure. Streaks of blonde run through her pale white skin, making my heart melt with content. All this time, she just sits there, alone. This is my chance. She will be mine.

She is an Eagle 44 sail boat, modern mixed with a very traditional look. Classy, simple and so elegant. Against the blue water her sails are a white flag, as clean as the passing clouds above. She slowly rocks to and fro in the summer breeze, as if to usher me closer. She is the most beautiful boat I have ever seen. I stroke her, following the lines of her hull. Something inside me tells me to keep going, to keep following the hull. I follow the golden blonde lines, right round to the back of the boat. That is when I see the message. The one she wanted me to see all along.

My heart skips a beat. Excitement surges through my body. It is my fate. She is meant to be mine. A small sign placed in the window reads, “FOR SALE”. I am immediately on the phone, calling to inquire of the owner the asking price. I can picture us, swelling and surging through the oncoming tide. Fighting back the ponderous waves of the Pacific. She and I are going to be partners. No bond will break us. She is mine for life. That I am sure of.