Crest Clean OBHS Old Boys' Society Golf Tournament 

By Tom West | Posted: Wednesday May 24, 2017

The Otago Boys' Old Boys' Society held its annual Ambrose Golf Tournament on Friday 7th April at the Balmacewen Golf Club. 

It proved to be a roaring success with 35 teams in the field all enjoying the hospitality, food and company with the weather proving to be a challenge as the day wore on.  Congratulations to our winning team skippered by Damian Foster who just edged perennial favourites Forsyth Bar for this year’s spoils. This year the recipient of the days fundraising was the very worthy cause of hostel renovations.

The Old Boys' Society is absolutely chuffed to be able to pass on a cheque of 24K to the school for this. To put this into perspective it’s over double what previous years have passed onto the school. This is all thanks to the generosity of the hole sponsors and players, in particular the folk who bid in our auction later that night.  We were lucky enough to be entertained by MC Jamie McKay during our buffet dinner who had a fascinating Q and A with our guest speaker Sir Brian Lochore. He regaled stories of yesteryear and what he thought of our current crop of All Blacks with great candour and honesty.

These events simply don’t happen without the generous help and support of old boys, staff, students and the Rector Richard Hall. We really appreciate those who gave up their time to help out on the day or rustle up auction items. 

Plans are already under way to make the 2018 tournament even better. We look forward to welcoming back out loyal supporters, old boys and friends of the school. Fingers crossed someone nabs a hole in one (and the car that goes with it!) as unfortunately it was a case of close but no cigar in 2017. We envisage the 2018 tournament will sell out in weeks once the date is announced so to avoid disappointment we recommend you contact either one of us to register your interest.   [email protected] 

Tom West and Nick Fisher - Joint Organisers OBHS Old Boys' Golf Tournament

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