By Max Chu | Posted: Wednesday June 28, 2017
Mates. To your left and your right, you’ve got your mates. Lads who will look after you. Throughout your Otago Boys’ journey, friends will be there alongside you.
These friends will end up helping to shape the person who stares back at you in the mirror every morning. Mates have been alongside you in your journey every step of the way, for example:
What I’m trying to say is that over the years, friends come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing they all have in common is that they’ll always have your back.
Lads, friends guide you along the path that we call life. If you think of the best times of your life, you’ll most likely think about your experience, but if you delve deeper most of these happened with your OB’s brothers. A respected friend has as much potential to lift someone up as they have to tear them down.
A point I will make will be to choose your friends wisely. The adage of “If Billy told you to jump off a bridge, would you?” seemed to be my parent’s way of trying to tell me this. Even though this seemed to just be a throwaway interaction on my behalf, I realise now that this rings true. Your life lessons, will be learnt off how your mates choose to live their lives, and you will always seek respect and admiration from them.
Finally, be wary of the friends you choose, however do not be afraid to make friends. As Isaac Newton once said, “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Making friends might teach you more than a classroom teacher ever could, and hopefully if the friend doesn’t stay with you for life, what you learnt from them will.