Te Hautoka 2017 - Otago/Southland Regional Kapa Haka Competition

By Lynn Vare | Posted: Tuesday July 25, 2017

Wairua Pūhou, our OBHS & OGHS combined Kapa haka group, had an excellent performance in this year's regional competition. 

Months and months of dedicated practice and study with their teachers Mac Te Ngahue, Kaharau Keogh and Te Rina Keogh culminated in a dynamic and powerful performance that the crowd and judges loved. Placing 2nd overall, Wairua Pūhou now proceeds to the national competition which will be held in the Manawatu early next year. This is the first time we have qualified for the nationals!

Results from the aggregate sections, which are the ones which count towards the final placings, saw Wairua Pūhou place first in Waiata-ā-ringa, Poi and Whakawātea and place second in Te Reo Māori, Whakaeke, Mōteatea and Haka. Final competition results overall: 1st: He Waka Kōtuia, 2nd: Wairua Pūhou, 3rd: Te Wharekura o Arowhenua

Congratulations to everyone involved, a wonderful result for such passion, commitment and dedication and in particular to our tama: Taina Te Ngahue, Teremoana Hamblin, Nicholas Griffen, Jayden Gallagher, Keegan Henman, Nicolas Sinnott, Zaine Tawhai-Smith, Ronan Geraghty, Flynn Sefo-Cloughey, Niwa Kapa-Brooking and Bodhi Middleditch.