Japanese Hui

By Cherianne Parks | Posted: Wednesday September 13, 2017

Our Japanese students, having had the privilege of sharing time with the Whānau class earlier in the year, and learning something of Māori tikanga and culture, reciprocated and invited the Whānau class in return to share something of Japanese culture. 

Tomoki Nakazono shared with us about how to greet other people and how different bows could reflect the nature of the relationship and the occasion. We all then got to do a mini-mihimihi and introduce ourselves to the group in Japanese.

After we shared some food together, the Japanese boys taught us a traditional Japanese game which was a lot of fun.

The hui was a real success. It was great to see the boys so engaged in the sharing of culture.

To the Japanese boys - arigatou gozaimashita (thank you).

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