A Message From The Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Wednesday October 25, 2017

The Importance of Recognition.

One of the criticisms I face as Rector is that I sometimes don’t recognize the success that students have.

I take the role of recognition seriously. I often remember my own experience of that here at school in 1987. I was awarded a commendation in English, at that time Senior Prize Giving was so full we were told “your name will be called out, but don’t come as we can’t fit you in.”

Times have moved on and we now give out the commendations, but it has led to a very full, overly long Prize Giving. This feedback has come from parents, so I have made the decision to award some trophies and certificates at formal school assemblies this term.

We began last week and so far have done Cultural Blues, Winter Sports Blues and Year 13 Centurion awards. Next week we will do Senior Class Commendations and some sports trophies.

This will be an important form of recognition, I believe any parent who has seen how we do this would agree.

My frustration is in awarding prizes to students who are absent from assembly. Sometimes it is excused, for instance school events that clash, but increasingly I have been disappointed by boys who have made another excuse, physio etc.

So it becomes a moot point to acknowledge every success when you read out the name and the boy is not in assembly.

Can I ask that you speak with your son (he does not know if he is going to get an award, no boy does), and make it clear to him attendance at all school assemblies is vital.