Zackary's Outward Bound Experience

By Zackary Molloy | Posted: Thursday October 26, 2017

Outward Bound New Zealand is located in Anakiwa, a coastal village in the Queen Charlotte Sound, and offers a range of outdoor education courses that are available for 13 year olds and over.

The course that I was lucky enough to participate in was called “Mind Body Soul”, a 21-day program filled with challenges that have left me physically and mentally stronger. 

We are told from day one that we can achieve anything that we set our mind to, even when the activity set for us seems impossible. These activities can include rock climbing, camping by yourself, sailing and rowing in the Cook Straight, hiking through 2 metre bush, running for hours on end, and so many other ways that your body is challenged. For me, I found the rowing the most challenging. On the 17th day of our course, we had to row for 13 hours straight, only briefly stopping for lunch and dinner. 

There were times when my body was ready to give in, but as a whole I loved every moment of the course. The 6am runs, the daily swims in the ocean, even the half marathon were moments that made me feel so alive and happy, and I cannot be thankful enough for the opportunity that was given to me. 

I would also like to give a great thank-you to the Otago Community Trust for sponsoring me to take part in this amazing adventure. Without their help, I would not see the world as I do today.

If Outward Bound seems like something that you could see yourself doing, you can find more information on their website or call 04 472 3440.

You will leave Outward Bound feeling fitter and stronger, with new social skills and confidence in group situations. “The feeling of mud on your skin, the cold water on your face, the hot sun on your back, the butterflies in your stomach, will never leave me and will forever be in my memories, with each and every experience helping to make me a better, stronger and more confident human being.” – Nicholas Jarvie.

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