OBHS Hostel Manager Appointment and Hostel Redevelopment

By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday November 9, 2017

The Board is fully committed to finding the best person to run School House.

1. This has led us to appoint a recruitment agency who have been involved in two recent hostel management positions in Dunedin.

2. The Board is committed to the new Hostel Manager living on-site.

3. The Board is committed to the new Hostel Manager being a currently registered teacher.

4. The process to replace Paul has begun, but I am pleased to report that he has indicated he will see out the end of this year and be available in early/mid-January for the transition. This is a mark of his dedication to School House.

5. The Board is committed to a smooth transition in 2018.

6. Matron, Janis Shaw, has indicated that she will stay for another five years. This is important for continuity of care and as we all know Janis does an excellent job.

7. At this stage, all of the Housemaster positions are filled and I am unaware of any other resignations in the Hostel.

8. We have brought in three new opportunities for our boys from 2018.

a. All Year 9 students will been engaged in the Duke of Edinburgh; this includes a trip to our Lodge in the Matukituki Valley.

b. I have invited Southland Boys' Hostel Year 9 students to a rugby game at Queen's Birthday. I hope this will become an annual fixture and a bonding point for the Hostel.

c. I have accepted an invitation from Napier Boys' High School Hostel, Scinde House, to have a one- week boarder swap, where one Year 12 and Year 10 student swap hostel and school for one week. We are aiming to do this in term 1, after summer tournament week.

9. The redevelopment project continues. To date we have had detailed site drawings made of the proposed new entrance. This includes the contours. Realistically our first proposal is too steep. We have been to the DCC informally to discuss different options and we remain committed to the project, which is the biggest structural change to the Hostel since the building of Nicholson dorm in the 1990's.

Change is inevitable in any organisation and I want to assure you as parents that the school and Board are committed to your son's welfare and the smooth transition in 2018.

I will keep you informed of the appointment process and naturally of the outcome as soon as I can.

Richard Hall