A Message From The Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday February 1, 2018

Welcome back to 2018.

This week we transitioned over 200 new pupils and 8 staff to our school. Each one has come here for the education, the tradition and the opportunities. What they give in return is a renewed energy, a sense of purpose and a series of previous experiences that will only enhance us.

I believe the transition to a new school, particularly a high school is a very important rite of passage in a young mans life.

As a parent myself, I realise the nervousness of the new boys is not only restricted to the boys. You too feel it, you too want to be welcomed. I would encourage all new families to get in contact with your son's vertical form teacher. This is the person I have tasked with helping your son fulfill his potential.

That is why there are only 3 times a year we ring the Tower bell (first full school day, the ANZAC service to remember our fallen and the day Year 13's leave). If you get the transition right, if you encourage his talents, insist on high personal standards and support him with opportunities he will thrive.

But we as parents know not everything goes well the first time. For some the transition to a new class or school is harder. Encourage your son, speak to us, but also trust that we will work just as hard as you expect us to in the background to make his year a fantastic one. You know him well, read him.