Senior Debaters Compete at Regional Competition

By Stewart Tagg | Posted: Sunday March 18, 2018

This past weekend saw seven of our Senior boys battle their wit and intellects against schools from Otago and Southland in the annual Secondary Schools Debate Regionals Competition.

Colby Allen, Bailey Cavanagh-Welch, Sam Thompson, Kelvin Weston, Vis Berry, Liam Connolly and Ryan Lau all gave up their entire weekends to debate against peers from around the regions and did themselves and OBHS proud with their efforts.

Both OBHS1 and OBHS2 recorded 3/5 wins against various teams from Kavanagh College, Otago Girls' High School, Logan Park High School, Columba College and John McGlashan College. Neither team made the semi-finals but our boys were in fine form and left the competition feeling a real sense of accomplishment with their victories against strong teams.

On a positive note, Year 12 student Colby Allen was awarded the trophy for the most promising speaker overall. Great job!

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