Breakfast With Your Brothers

By Lynn Vare | Posted: Tuesday March 20, 2018

Breakfast With Your Brothers' has been busy feeding OB's students with a free hearty breakfast of Harraways famous Otago oats each morning in the canteen from 8am until 8.45am.

Funded in part by the School Council and the generous sponsorship of Harraways, Canteen Manager Hilary Stumbles has cooked a huge pot of porridge each day and managed the whole scheme, and without her cheerful support and organisation the breakfast wouldn't be able to happen. Anyone from OB's can attend, the only condition is that students wash their bowls and spoons when finished. It has been great to see so many students enjoy their morning bowl of oats, or two!

We'll be stewing apples this season to accompany the porridge, so if anyone has excess apples on their trees that we could have please let us know, it would be really appreciated.

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