Silver for both Junior and Senior Water Polo

By Elaine Kelly | Posted: Wednesday April 11, 2018

It’s been a great start to Water Polo 2018.

The junior team has bonded well and we have a large number of strong players coming through the ranks. This team didn’t loose a match all term until the last week where we finished with silver. There have been plenty of exciting moments this term but team members being right behind each other has been the true winning formula. Every boy asking himself, “What can I do for the team?”, turning up regularly for training and setting personal ego aside has all led to the development of a promising side.

The seniors too have had a strong term, placing second in both the South Island Secondary Schools’ Championship and the Dunedin competition. It has been great to see some of the younger players stepping up to play at a higher standard and really push themselves both mentally and physically. Gaining a silver medal in this tournament is a strong finish for the team, especially against such a renowned side as St Bede’s. Well done boys. Bring on term four!