Crêpe start to the day in Languages!

By Elaine Kelly | Posted: Thursday April 12, 2018

Students in junior language classes have worked their socks off this term and are making great progress in both French and German with all boys hitting or exceeding the curriculum level expected of them.

Learning more about the culture behind the language they are studying has been at the forefront of teaching and learning. What better way to do this and to end the term than by sampling some typical French and German foods?

Year 10 kicked off the week with typical breakfast foods. French students enjoyed croissants, pain au chocolat, yaourt, des fruits, omelettes and tartines whereas the German class savoured a range of breads such as Pumpernickel and Roggenbrot alongside various typical cheeses, cold meats and eggs. Just before lunch on Wednesday, Year 9 German students stuffed themselves with 5 different kinds of German sausage, Sauerkraut, Gurken und Kartoffelsalat. Not to be outdone, Year 9 French ended the term on Friday with Crêpes au chocolat, au citron et à la confiture de cerises. The verdict? C’était délicieux. Es war lecker!

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