House Haka Competition

By OBHS | Posted: Wednesday May 2, 2018

It was a beautiful day for the annual Inter-house School Haka competition today.

Judges Mr Mac Te Ngahue, Ms Lynn Vare and Mr Te Ngaru Wehi had the difficult, albeit enjoyable, job of marking the performances of each House. The standard has got better each year, and this year's competition was one of the closest we've had, with only one point separating the two top houses. 

Park was led by Nic Sinnott, Saxton by Keegan Henman, McIndoe by Bohdi Middleditch and Ronan Geraghty and Aspinall by Niwa Kapa-Brooking, with Keegan being judged as the most outstanding kaea.

Final results: 1st McIndoe, 2nd Aspinall, 3rd Park, 4th Saxton

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