A Message From The Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday May 31, 2018

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the best to one of our Year 12 students, Kyran Oaten.

Kyran will leave us shortly to begin an apprenticeship on a hill country farm outside of Blenheim.

Ordinarily, this would not be the subject of a newsletter piece. We often have boys leave school to pursue their next step, but I think this is worthy of a special mention.

I taught Kyran in Year 10 and I spent time with him and his class at our Lodge in the Matukituki Valley. Kyran is mad keen on hunting and the outdoors. In fact, last year he graced the cover of a national hunting magazine with a trophy pig. The classroom was always a bit more of a struggle, reading and writing were not naturally so easy.

Last year in Year 11, he knuckled down, used the teachers for support and achieved NCEA Level 1 and this year is still a Level 2 centurion, with a perfect 54/54. A perfect example of when you work hard, even if it is hard, good things will happen.

But what I am most proud of, is that Kyran has never lost sight of his goal of owning his own farm one day. Too often this year, I have seen Year 12 students who want to leave school, that are disengaged with learning, but are not brave enough to make the step. What Kyran has shown is a different kind of courage. Not all of our boys will go to University, that is not the goal. Instead, it is for all, to find their passion, to be supported in their pathway and ultimately leave us as good men.

In Kyran, I am pleased to say, we have a very good example of an OB's boy. I look forward to running into him at Old Boy events in the future.