By Adrienne Buckingham | Posted: Thursday June 28, 2018
Winter hits us all pretty hard. Cold mornings, darker days and the drudge of assessments might be challenging you and your son to stay motivated about future goals. One way we can look after our community’s wellbeing is just by asking.
Tuesday at 9am, an AWE email will be sent to all students and staff to complete the winter Assessment of Wellbeing in Education (AWE). This is a great opportunity for the boys and the people who care about them to look at the changes they have experienced since the start of the school year.
We encourage all students to complete the AWE. The results are entirely private unless a boy chooses to share his report with someone. Form teachers, teachers, Deans, Mr Rust, the Senior Leadership team and I are all invested in the wellbeing of the boys and can offer support if needed.
Accurate data is needed about the community’s long-term wellbeing so we can address whole school needs as well as individuals’. Please ask your son about his AWE assessment next week. We know optimal performance is tied to wellbeing. So let’s make sure are boys are feeling well enough to learn and perform at their best in the classroom, on the sports fields and beyond.