2018 Get2Go Challenge

By Luke Geddes, Moss Pelvin, Dan Hayman and Cole Gibb | Posted: Wednesday September 19, 2018

On the 17th of September a group of twelve Otago Boys’ students represented both schools in the 2018 Get2Go challenge, a multi sport event.

The activities involved were orienteering, mountain biking, kayaking and a team challenge. The first group, along with 4 girls from St Hilda's competed in the “mixed premiere” division managed third place, and the second team comprising of all OB’s boys came thirteenth. The event had four sixty minute long challenges in which to score points. 

In each task teams were required to work together, using important team skills such as communication, problem solving, planning and decision making. The orienteering involved finding a series of checkpoints scattered around Bethune's Gully and Forrester Park. The mountain biking took place right next to the orienteering, with competitors riding laps around a set course. The problem solving occurred near the kayaking in Macandrew Bay and involved teams crossing a tennis court standing only on small tiles carrying a wide range of items. The kayaking was similar to the mountain biking, with competitors taking turns in the double kayaks and paddling around the harbour. 

Overall it was a fun and exhilarating experience enjoyed by all.

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