Pay it Forward - Support the Old Boys' Golf Day, support our boys, support the Matukituki Lodge.

By Richard Hall | Posted: Sunday December 2, 2018

The OBHS Golf Day has become a key date in the calendar of the school, and we hope it is in yours too.

To be held on the 8th February 2019 at the Otago Golf Club, next years event will be aimed at raising much needed funds to support current boys having the opportunity to attend the Lodge.

While the fee is always important; we are actually finding that the boys do not have the correct gear for the outdoors, such as decent wet weather jacket, pants or a pack that they can tramp with. More than ever, the Lodge needs to support of old boys. 

All of the current stock that we are able to lend is antiquated - pioneer material! 

We currently make applications to charity organisations and while we appreciate their generosity, we still fall short. 

Since it's inception the Lodge has run on a shoe string budget, with many staff over the years dedicating time and energy to keeping the costs down through offering their own labour.

Recently we have been very grateful for the generous support of;

- The OBHS PTA for new tents.

- An Old Boy donor for the purchase of a new telecommunication system

- Two ex-staff members for new inside sporting equipment for the evenings and poor weather.

What we are aiming for now is $30,000 to be spent on;

1) A dozen quality tramping packs

2) A dozen good quality waterproof rain coats and a dozen leggings.

3) Replenishing and replacing the 'activity' gear. 

4) To inject some capital into the Mt Aspiring Trust. 

Even if you are unable to attend, but would like to support this cause, we would encourage you to get in touch with us here at school.  Email Melissa at; [email protected]

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