2nd Place In The Otago University Languages And Culture Quiz

By Elaine Kelly | Posted: Thursday May 16, 2019

On Tuesday this week, eleven boys attended the University of Otago Languages and Culture Quiz to compete against other Dunedin schools for the Languages and Culture Cup.

This annual event allows students to test their knowledge of the culture and language of French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese speaking countries in a kind of pub quiz format. 

OBHS formed 3 teams for the quiz and “Three and a Half Dumplings” comprising of Manu Straw (Year 10), Luke Geddes, Eric Kim and Louis Sabonadiere (Year 11) were pipped at the post by one point to finish in second place. 

The boys were treated to some lovely food, performances of Tai Chi and Chinese fan dancing and the opportunity to meet professors for the university and discuss their options for continuing with their language learning beyond high school. 

Thanks also to Harry Easton (Year 9), Hugh Davidson (Year 10), Abdul Adam (Year 11), Felix Moeller, Sam Thompson, Kelvin Weston and Zac Lorden (Year 13) for all valiantly flying the OBHS flag. You all did a great job in representing our school.  

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