A Message From The Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Friday June 28, 2019

This week we launched our 'Above the Hoops' campaign targeted at banter/bullying in the school.

Tackling these issues is difficult, but if done constructively and honestly, it can be very effective.

For us, 'Above the Hoops' refers to the types of supportive language and behaviours we want our boys to adhere to. 'Below the Hoops' is obviously what we want to avoid.

The line for each boy can be different, so we are constructing, with the help of our students, examples of the behaviours that we want. Some that have been referenced so far are:

  • “It’s above the hoops to wear your uniform with pride and correctly in and out of school.” C Marsh
  • “It’s above the hoops to finish classwork on time and to the best of your ability.” S Thompson
  • “It’s above the hoops to put failures and mistakes of internals/assignments or poor performances into a growth perspective.” C Marsh
  • “It’s above the hoops to acknowledge the achievements and successes of your peers.” J Dixon
  • "It is above the hoops to have the courage to ask for help with your school work and come along to academic tutorials." S Hewson
  • “It’s above the hoops to own up to your mistakes.”  S Thompson

In recognition of our commitment to this, a number of first teams will wear pink socks in the interschool matches against Christchurch Boys' High School next week. This will be a statement from some of our leaders, indicating to the community our desire to be 'best for boys'.

I would encourage you to speak to your son with regards to this, and promote a healthy discussion around just what is 'Above the Hoops' for him.

I look forward to the journey.