By Matthew Markham | Posted: Sunday August 11, 2019
Rain never stops play at School House.
What a miserable weekend of weather that was! Despite the weather the boys we had an enjoyable weekend. The highlight of the weekend (lets forget about the result) was the All Blacks game and the new tv room was a buzz of excitement. What it demonstrated though was that we really need some more couches as we have of course lost the old grandstand in the old tv room. If anyone has a couch they no longer want and would be willing to donate to the hostel, please let me know.
On Sunday we had a junior indoor bowls competition. This was taken out by Will Scurr. Will then went on to beat the Director of Boarding and was rewarded with $40 gift voucher. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive for the bowls the boys played an impromptu game of touch. It showed how multipurpose the new room is. This will be further demonstrated on the 17th September with a Yr9 and 10 social. We have invited Tolcarne and Columba and the boys are very excited to have girls at the hostel, even just for one evening! We are yet to set the price of the tickets but any profit we make will go to our chosen hostel charity, the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation. In addition to this, hostel prefect and rower Thomas Ryan is doing a five-hour erg (rowing machine) to raise money for the Mental Health Foundation. This is an amazing gesture from Thomas and if you would like to donate please search Thomas Ryan on the Givealittle web page. Please give generously to this worthy cause.
Last week we had a visit by ERO as part of their Otago Boys review. The ERO team were very positive with their feedback on the hostel and felt that it was a safe and secure environment for the boys. As always though, they made some suggestions on how we can improve the hostel, it is always good to get some external advice.
Many years ago, the hostel used to have a Student Council who would meet regularly to discuss the running of the hostel, we are re-establishing this council. The council will meet twice a term and will be made up of three boys from each year level. Boys who wish to be part of it will need to apply in writing to the Director of Boarding by the 1st September. The purpose of the council is to increase student voice and gives boys a sense of ownership in the running of the hostel. The first meeting for the group will be towards the end of September. At the meeting the boys will discuss the goals and purpose of the group. The first real agenda item will be the new sports room and we can maximize its use. The room is getting extremely well used and the boys are really enjoying the space. Many boys have approached staff with suggestions on how we can better use the room which is fantastic. We have now got a small collection of fitness gear in the room and we are looking to increase the amount that we have got. If anyone has some old fitness equipment at home that they no longer use, please drop it off to the hostel. It will certainly be used!!
The senior boys are beginning to get excited about the Hostel vs Day Boys league match. The game is on the last day of term at the conclusion of parent teacher interviews, 2:15pm. Please come along and support the boys.
The recent snow could not have come at a better time for the hostel ski trip. A few weeks ago, when I was making the arrangements there seemed a real possibility that there would be no snow! This now seems unlikely. Due to injury a couple more spaces have become available. If your son would like to come on the trip, please let me know. The trip is from 13-15 September.
Tomorrow night we have our annual Netball games against Columba. Columba took it out last year and the boys are keen to get the trophy back. The first pass is at 6:30pm in the Columba School gym. On Sunday we team up with Columba again for a joint Yr9 and 10 activities day from 1-3pm. This is being organised by both set of prefects and I am sure the boys will enjoy it.
Have a great week!