Year 7 Hostel Open Day

By OBHS | Posted: Thursday October 24, 2019

We are holding an Open Day for current Year 7 boys and their families who may be interested in enrolling as boarders in 2021 in Year 9.

The date for the Open Day is Friday 22 November, starting at 10am with a welcome in the Auditorium.

During the morning the boys will take part in some classroom activities, meanwhile parents will have the opportunity to meet with our Enrolment Dean and hear about the school, curriculum etc. You will also be able to see around the school.

Lunch will be at the hostel at 1pm, followed by a tour and a meeting with the Director of Boarding, Matthew Markham, and our Matron, Janis Shaw.

The day’s programme will finish at approximately 2pm.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to attend.

If you know of other families who are interested in enrolling in 2021 please let them know about the open day and ask them to get in touch with us.

We look forward to hearing from you.