Food at Home Challenge - Week 2

By Emma Moore | Posted: Tuesday April 7, 2020

This week I thought we would look at vegetables - it coincides with the two competitions open online to students. Years 1-8 - Kids can cook competition (for your younger siblings) and the NSSCC (National Secondary Schools Culinary Competition).

This task requires you to use 3 different vegetables in a creative dish and a video of its preparation (see entry criteria for details). Vegetables are usually best used 'in season' when they are at their peak - in flavour, freshness, abundance and nutrition. They are usually cheapest at this time as well, which is even better. It is recommended we have at least 3+ vegetables a day in a balanced diet.

Vegetables are very versatile you can have them for lunch or dinner and in a range of different dishes. We often make dishes in line with weather and mood - this week it felt like soup weather. I made a Butternut soup with peanut butter and homemade ciabatta bread. Butternuts are currently about $3.99 or you could use pumpkin. Soups are pretty easy and can easily a family.

For this competition think outside the box - maybe a vegetable lasagne, a vegetable tortilla stack or maybe a curry.

Thanks to the Taste of the Valley (Clutha Valley Primary School) cookbook and Janine Sutton for her Kumara, Pumpkin and Peanut butter soup recipe that I adapted this week. Both recipes, along with photos are included at the bottom of this article.

Below are the links to the competitions and useful websites:

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