Term 2 begins tomorrow

By Richard Hall | Posted: Monday April 13, 2020

From tomorrow morning, school is back in session, albeit electronically.

The last month has been a particularly challenging time for us all and I hope that you and your family have remained happy and healthy.

As a school, all staff have been working to ensure a smooth beginning to the new term tomorrow. The last two days of term 1, the first two of the lock-down, gave staff an opportunity to get their online programmes up and running. 

Now we expect to be able to deliver quality learning.

For your son, the easiest way to begin is to follow his term 1 timetable. 

Year 9 Options

At the moment, we are suspending Year 9 options. For many of the option subjects, especially those that are practically based, it is not feasible to offer them online. Year 9 options were due to roll over this term, which would have meant teachers dealing with students whom they had not yet met, which is another complication. Once things are back to normal we will revisit Year 9 options and work out how long each of the remaining option blocks will be. No one should be worried about missing out. 

Year 10 Options

As Year 10 Options are half-year options not due to roll over until towards the end of Term 2, they will carry on where feasible. Those teachers who can set work will do so. Obviously this will not be as easy in practically based subjects.

Otherwise their subjects are as they are on their timetable. So, if you have Mathematics, period 1 on a Wednesday, that will be what you start with tomorrow.

For juniors, I recommend you get them to use their homework diary daily to track what they are learning as well as any homework.

Our direction to staff has been to concentrate on knowledge and skills, not on assessment. For Yrs 11-13, this will mean that they are to complete all of the tasks set, as in future, these may be used as 'naturally occurring evidence' towards grades. 

But our focus is learning. 

A key for us is to stay connected with the boys, and for us to 'see' them as much as we would normally. Please be aware that we are still here to help and if you have questions they can be directed to the individual teacher, or to your child's Dean. 

The Deans' contacts are:

Aspinall House; Mr Ryan Golder - [email protected]

McIndoe House; Mr Kelvin McCrone - [email protected]

Park House; Mr Mark Alderton - [email protected]

Saxton house; Mr Kent Twaites -
[email protected]

For more serious concerns, Mr Rob Wither ([email protected]), our Guidance Counsellor is available. 

We look forward to the government announcement on the 20th, and hopefully a return to 'normal' schooling. Many thanks for your support during this difficult time.

Richard Hall

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