Change to Alert levels

By Richard Hall | Posted: Monday April 20, 2020

Today the government announced we will be moving to Alert Level 3 on April 28th.

This change means that Year 9 and 10 students will be allowed to return to school under strict conditions, from Wednesday the 29th of April.

School will be open for those students who need to attend so parents can return to work, or are employed in essential services, but this should be for those who have no other option.

Online learning will remain available to all.

Guidelines from the Ministry of Education are that students, who return to school, will need to be separated inside and outside of the classrooms.  As a school we will spend this week working on how that looks inside the gate and we will communicate those to you.

This includes School House the Hostel and we will communicate with those parents directly. 

Students in Year 11, 12 and 13 will stay at home and continue with online learning. 

We thank you for you patience and assistance during this time; certainly we have all learned a lot.

Kia Kaha.

Richard Hall
