Are you passionate about Biology?

By Pru Casey | Posted: Sunday June 28, 2020

Are you in Year 10 - Year 12?

Why not sign up for extension learning with the NZ International Biology Olympiad. The NZIBO fosters interest, participation, and excellence in Biology through participation of secondary school students in the New Zealand Biology Olympiad Programme. The programme provides university level education in Biology to those students selected to participate in the online tutorial programme.

NZIBO ensures that the students who participate have the necessary knowledge to compete successfully at the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) should they be selected to represent New Zealand at this prestigious international competition.

Otago Boys' has had successful candidates every year make it through to the final training camp for this national and inter-nation event. To find out more, visit or sign up with Ms Casey, Teacher in Charge of Biology Room 114.

Note: Textbooks are available for loan.