By Richard Hall | Posted: Friday August 14, 2020
This week we have had the disappointing news of a return to Alert Level 2.
I know that for many of us this news has been a blow. As a school we have fitted back into our pre-prepared patterns, physical distancing in classrooms, regular sanitizing and reminders to the boys about staying home if sick. Teachers have begun to prepare online resources. If we stay at Level 2 next week, senior, junior and House assemblies will not be held.
This relapse is possibly a reminder that we can become complacent and that we must maintain the high standards of hygiene that protects us all.
Uncertainty has been created by this news. Please be assured that as a staff, we are working as hard as we can to maintain a positive learning environment for all. We do not have all of the answers, but our intention is to use the best information available to us. We promise to communicate with you regularly and clearly.
With regret, we have decided to cancel the Academic Coaching day scheduled for the school on Monday. Instead we feel it is smarter to have the students here, in preparation for any increase in the alert levels.
Let's hope for some positive news.