High Performance Sport Programme

By Mike McGarry | Posted: Tuesday August 25, 2020

Each course provides the opportunity for existing and future players to improve their skills in a curriculum based programme in their chosen sport.

Courses Available in 2021

  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Tennis

Structure of Sports Programme

Year 9 students can apply to be part of a High Performance Course as one of their option subjects. Each course is included in the regular school timetable.

Selection of Participants in Sports Programme

Inclusion in a High Performance Course is based on several factors including past and present performances, commitment and enthusiasm.

Programme Content

Each course has its own curriculum as well as general areas such as:

• Individual technical skills

• Fitness training

• Team work/tactics

• Nutrition

• Communication

• Mental approaches

The high performance courses are an important part of player development at Otago Boys’ High School. Courses continue in several sports in Year 10 and in the senior school.

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