Internal Assessments Due Next Week

By OBHS | Posted: Thursday August 27, 2020

Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted next week.

Monday 31
11DVC - 
91068: Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice. 91067:
Use the work of an influential designer to inform own ideas.
12ESS - 91187: Carry out a practical Earth and Space Science investigation.

Tuesday 1
- 90956: Demonstrate knowledge of an individual's nutritional needs.

Wednesday 2
- 91264: Use statistical methods to make an inference.
11MAT3 (AS) - 91035: Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle.
12HIS - 91232: Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders.

Thursday 3
11APP - 90966: Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others.
12FDN (EM) - 91302: Evaluate sustainable food related practices.

Friday 4