By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday July 1, 2021
Talking to your teenage son can be excruciating.
The first step is to 'accept' that he would rather stick hot pokers into his eyes than talk to you, that you are an idiot and know nothing because you were never a teenager (!) and that your role is to feed and clothe him.
Accept that, but move through it and please do talk to him. The world is a very different place in 2021, maybe even more so than 2020, and I am not referring to the virus.
This week, the frightening results of a survey of young women at Christchurch Girls' High School were released. We are all appalled. Young men need to be aware of the issues highlighted and see them as significant. No parent wants their child to be the victim of sexual assault.
So, the best response is to talk to him - but how and what support do you have? I have some resources for you.
Firstly, come to the school auditorium on August 12th, to hear Dr Richie Poulton, leader of the Dunedin study talk about a teenagers most important skill - self control and how you as parents can foster it. Entry will be free, but we will encourage you to buy a $10 raffle to support Plunket NZ's work with Dr Pulton in this area.
Secondly, go online:
This site is a good one to give yourself some information and tips to start and hold the conversation. If you are lucky, grab him, his device, sit beside him and go through some of it together. That way, you don't have to have all the questions and answers.
Thirdly, if you want some humour on this difficult topic watch this together:
We are using these resources and others in the school health programme and in assemblies to reinforce key messages, emphasising that self control strengthens the ability to be a positive man.
Have a great weekend, one week to go!