Earth and Space Science North Island Trip

By Max Robbie | Posted: Thursday August 12, 2021

Members from the Year 12 and 13 Earth and Space Science classes, plus a few Year 11s went on a volcano tour around the North Island of New Zealand.

We drove from Wellington to Auckland learning about the geology of the areas we passed. We learned about the geology of areas like Mt Ruapahu and Lake Taupo and how it all relates to the geology of New Zealand. The trip was five days long and I think that everyone on the trip learnt a few things.

The first day we flew up to Wellington and learnt a bit about the local geography and earthquakes. We went to an exposed part of the Wellington fault to look around then went to the GNS headquarters where they monitor all of the earthquakes around New Zealand and the two active volcanoes. We went into the room where they monitored the earthquakes and volcanoes then were taught about the Civil Defence side of earthquakes and tsunamis. Being able to go to the GNS headquarters was very interesting as well as being enlightening.

The second day we drove towards Mt Ruapehu, the only mainland active volcano. We discovered what affects the stratovolcano had on the surrounding area. For example, the soil had large quantities of ash in it as well as how it made the land extremely barren. We stayed the night in the national park but got up the next morning to go for a walk on the side of Mt Ruapehu in the snow. The walk was very interesting, a little cold but enjoyable. We then drove to Rotorua for the night.

We went to visit the buried village which was buried by New Zealand's last major eruption from Mt Tarawera. The village was buried over a century ago by the eruption of Mt Tarawera killing most of the people living in the village as well as destroying the infamous pink and white terraces. We visited what was left of the village after the eruption. There was not much left but it was still very interesting. It was very interesting to learn about the effect of a volcano on a society.

We drove up to Auckland to look at the volcanic field then flew home to Dunedin. The trip was very interesting, and I personally learnt a lot and I think everyone else on the trip has as well.

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