OBHS YES Team Create Natural Food Topper

By CentralBite | Posted: Thursday August 12, 2021

This year, as part of the Young Enterprise Scheme one OBHS business has created a natural food topper to boost iron levels.

The natural food topper by CentralBite, was created by four Otago Boys’ High School Year 13 pupils to help boost New Zealand’s iron levels as part of their Year 13 Business Studies course.

It was made as part of the Lion Foundation’s Young Enterprise Scheme, which is an annual nationwide scheme in which pupils create a product, form a business and sell their product throughout the year.

CentralBite is run by a team of 4 entrepreneurial students; CEO - Lucas Power, Communications - Daniel Visser, Marketing - Hadley Taylor, Production - Jack McFarlane.

The team of 4’s plan was to create a product that solved a problem in New Zealand. After a month of planning, they set on Iron Deficiency after research found it was a large problem in New Zealand.

CentralBite currently has two products which are available on their website. The first being a natural chocolate food topper which is made from Central Otago dried fruit and New Zealand oats which is perfect to have with ice cream or as a snack. The second is a chocolate-free option which contains New Zealand oats and Central Otago dried fruit which is great on your yogurt or ice cream.

If you are interested in supporting the CentralBite Team and would like to purchase your own pack, they can be ordered via the CentralBite website or by visiting the businesses Facebook page.

Website: https://centralbite.mystorbie.com/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CentralBite

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