Year 9 Social Studies

By Kate Hope | Posted: Friday October 29, 2021

Democracy is the worst form of government except for all others.

As part of their assessment, students were put into political parties and were tasked with creating policies that were relevant to OBHS and Dunedin. Each group member was assigned a role and students had to campaign and create marketing material to support their policies.

Electoral candidates were required to present the party policies to 9G and invited members. We heard a range of diverse policies that I am sure Mr Hall would be more than happy to implement into OBHS!! Some of the policies included: free lunches, mufti days, upgrading the canteen, having school dogs and elevators for access to level 2 classes. The Dunedin policies were, unsurprisingly, centred around Covid-19, but other policies included: make the South Island independent, upgrade Dunedin sports fields, compulsory Te Reo starting at Y1 and changing the NZ flag.

Time was running short as the electoral officers counted the votes. A 2-way electoral candidate tie was decided on a coin toss, with Henry from the 'Why Not' party gaining access to parliament.

Next week we will see if there is a clear party winner, or whether coalition government negotiations start. 

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