School House Hostel Newsletter Term 4 Week 2

By Vai Mahutariki | Posted: Sunday October 31, 2021

Welcome to Week 2's Newsletter.

Greetings to our hostel parents, we hope you had a good couple of weeks so far this term as much as our boys have had with exams for the seniors and extra-curricular activities for our juniors. It is great to see all the boys smiling faces again.

Students of the Term - Term 3

Congratulations to the following hostel students who were named Students of the Term down at school:

Year 9 - Jayden van Kessel

Jayden is a hard worker. He always gives his best and by helping others in his class is a great role model. Jayden's work ethic has led him to achieve well academically. He is also a keen participant in a variety of extra curricular activities outside of the classroom.

Year 11 - Ben Kinney

Ben always tries his best. He is a focused student and his determination to do the best he can, along with his great attitude is to be admired. Ben is on track to be a centurion and achieve NCEA Level 1 with a merit endorsement.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki

Man of the Week

Congratulations to Flynn Dalley who was named man of the week for week 2. His effort and quality of work in school has been excellent. He has completed all duties in the hostel to a high standard and on one occasion all by himself at one stage due to other team members being away. Flynn has a positive attitude and supports his mates.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki

Leavers Rugby League Match

This Friday the 5th November, we will see our Year 13 Hostel Boys play in the annual Rugby League Match. This Hostel vs Day Boys and will be played on Littlebourne Park at 1.30pm. Parents are welcome to come and watch if they wish.

Skippers Feast

We look forward to a great formal dinner and acknowledgement of our Year 13 Hostel Boys who depart our School House very soon. This is on Monday 15th November, starting from 6pm. We will also be live steaming the formal part of the evening on our Facebook Page. We look forward to sending off our Year 13s well. Reminder the last day for all seniors before they go on study leave is November 17th.

Senior Prize Giving

This is on Tuesday 16th November and will be held differently this year due to the Alert Levels. The event will be live streamed on the OBHS Facebook Page and maybe conducted in three separate events to space out the event in terms of numbers of people able to attend at any given time. More information to follow.

Junior Prize Giving

This event will be on Wednesday 15th December which is also the last day of term. More details to follow.

Trap Shooting Team

Congratulations to our OBHS Trap Shooting Team made up entirely of Hostel Boys, who competed in the South Island Schools Championships and then the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships in the first weekend of the holidays. Each region held its competition separately and some are still to hold their competition if possible which includes Auckland. All results are then compiled to determine final positions.

Congratulations to Year 12 Jack Small who won First Senior in the Single Rise in the South Island Championships. In the New Zealand Secondary School Championships, currently Year 12 Nic Sim is in Second place in the Senior Skeet, and Jack Small is currently Highest Overall Average in the Single Rise. The Team currently sits in Second place in New Zealand by only one point. With some outstanding shooting, Jack Small has been selected in the South Island Team. Well done Jack. We now wait patiently on the final competitions to be completed.

Sunday Activities: NPC Rugby Otago vs Wellington

On Sunday 31st October our boys enjoyed attending the rugby match between Otago and Wellington at the Forsyth Barr Stadium.  Great to see so many Hostel Old Boys playing and also current House Master Christian Lio-Willie starting at Number 8 with a class performance.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki

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