The Last Word

By Jake Burgess | Posted: Wednesday November 3, 2021

I remember the week leading up to starting at Otago Boys' and the Hostel. I had honestly never been more nervous for anything in my life.

That whole week I was dreading it, and worst of all I didn't even know why. However, the night before heading up to the Hostel, Dad told me “Don't be nervous, be excited.” My initial reaction was sure that'll help, not thinking too much about it. But when I arrived, after a few days of getting to know the boys, the grey buildings and the great traditions, I loved it.

This is a very special place and it is a special feeling when you find out how much it means to be an OB’s boy. It is a privilege to attend this school, not a right. Everybody finds out in their own unique way, what it means to them to be an OB’s boy. Be it through an achievement, an opportunity or the mates here. However, mine was at the start of Year 11 where I and a few other boys received a week's stand down from the Hostel. Now I understand that it isn't the best of ways, however, through jeopardy it pulled my head in and also taught me how lucky I was to attend this grand school. From then on I couldn't possibly want to picture myself anywhere else. For most of us Otago Boys' High has done more than schooling; it has given us mates, life lessons, some of the best times of your lives and most importantly shaped you into the man you are today. For that I am grateful.

As the final weeks come to a close, we all seem to become a lot closer, we seem to understand what we have and how good it is. We understand how good the mates are here, the opportunities, the pride and passion for the hoops, all of it I love and will miss. We only understand what we've got until it's almost gone. For you fellas that still have some years left, take every opportunity you can and enjoy it. Because you don’t realise how lucky you are until your time starts coming to the end. As we have seen over these last two years anything can happen and our time at this grand school is limited.

There have been too many great highlights with you boys to announce a couple, this will be something I’ll reflect on over the next few weeks. But being with you boys is going to be hard to beat as the greatest five of my life.

As always, I shall finish in appropriate manner.

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
A.A Milne - Winnie the Pooh.