By Brayden Foote | Posted: Wednesday November 3, 2021

Due to their great performance in completing challenges and establishing their businesses throughout the year, three OBHS groups were invited alongside 7 other teams to pitch at the Otago Regional Semi-Final for the Young Enterprise Scheme.

Each of the 10 teams presented their pitches in the semi-final, telling a story of their business, and attempting to meet the judges' criteria of what makes a Regional Champion. Lucas from CentralBite, Ben and Louis from Remedy Juice, and Cody and Brayden from Maimoa all presented very well. The latter were then given the chance to pitch again as one of the top three in the regional final.

Before the finale, Q&A was held with each of the seven semi-finalist teams, then the last three groups took the stage to pitch one last time.

At the end of the night, Maimoa placed 3rd in the region, with Abalro from Bayfield High School gaining 2nd, and Under the Door Enterprises from Kavanagh College being crowned Otago Regional Champions for the Young Enterprise Scheme 2021. As well as this, Maimoa also placed 1st in Otago for their Annual Review Challenge (submitted earlier in the year), and 3rd nationally for the Arahanga Primary Industries Award.

Well done to the three Otago Boys' teams, and to all those who presented that evening. Also, a massive thank you to our teachers Mr. Gray and Mr. Pratley who have guided and supported us this year.

Have a look at the OBHS businesses CentralBite and Maimoa on their websites:

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