By Richard Hall | Posted: Friday November 12, 2021
What I like about them, is that at their heart, they are still little boys.
This time of the year drags for seniors, they are quite frankly over it, and this year, with the 2 week extension to the exam period, has certainly highlighted that.
But there is also a moment, in these last few days where our Year 13's in particular turn back into that little boy; remember him, the one who was not so worried about how cool he was, didn't think he knew everything? Instead he is smiling, happy and generally a nice person again.
How do I know, they play.
That is, if you call dumping each other on the ground and piling on top of one another playing, and lets face it, I do, then yes, they play.
When they play like little boys, the laughter, the banter, the good natured way in which those friendships are strengthened, they have fun. Play is good and we need more of it. They relax, they smile more, they don't seem so determined to go left when the obvious and correct path is right. They just seem to be like the little boy that we remember. That is not to say the other one is not still inside them, he is there alright and he is not far away.
But this lunchtime, I just watched a bunch of physically big 'men' act like little boys, and there was nothing wrong with that. As the Cherokee saying goes "you feed the wolf you want to win, because both wolves are inside you."
Have a great weekend.