Junior Leadership in McIndoe House

By Elaine Kelly | Posted: Thursday November 25, 2021

Things took a different turn at the McIndoe House meeting today with Jamie Hall and Tamati Taylor leading the assembly.

These two Year 9 hostel boys displayed courage in stepping up to fill the leadership gap left by their senior brothers who are on examination leave.

Jamie and Tamati proved themselves worthy recipients of the Phoenix Awards they received for doing this. Right from the start they showed themselves capable of taking the lead, reminding boys of the uniform expectations on the way in. They then went on to talk about their experiences as new members of McIndoe House at the start of 2021 and what this special brotherhood means to them.

As well as a fun quiz, they were inspirational in pointing out the strengths of the house and reminding the boys what we need to work on next year. They created a google form to get feedback from the other boys too, so McIndoe boys should be sure to fill this out. This pair clearly have strong goals for McIndoe House and will be future leaders to look out for! 

Read their words here:

So, today boys, we are going to talk about what it was like for us coming to OBHS and joining McIndoe House at the start of the year.

Some of the good things for us being hostel boys were:

We went from knowing no one to having quite a lot of friends in a short time. We really felt part of the OBs "brotherhood” pretty quickly.

What’s good about the brotherhood is:

  • You get to have good banter with other boys about how McIndoe’s the best.

  • You get to have an identity that connects you to a group of boys in the school.

  • It’s kind of like a new family and that’s even more important when you’re away from home.

  • If you’re an only child, you suddenly have a couple of hundred close brothers in the house.

We are looking forward to being older brothers to the new Year 9s next year.

Next year we want to dominate the House competition but this takes you guys to commit and give your all! What are we already good at?

We usually smash it in Athletics BUT it means we all need to have 100% participation. So when the new year nines come in boys, everyone should talk to them in form time and make sure they feel welcome, part of the McIndoe brotherhood and on athletics day, look around and get them participating. RED ARMY!!!

What are we not so good at? Our effort grades could do with some work! It is important to make yourself known to the teachers as someone who is always trying and participating. Let’s make sure we do this and encourage the new year nines to do the same.

We could also learn the haka better!

The main thing today though is to get some of your thoughts. So boys, let's do something that we never thought we’d do at an assembly! Take out your phone! And fill in this Google form!

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