A Message From The Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Friday February 4, 2022

Our theme as a school this year is 'the best of you'. It ties to one of our key tenets, to be Best for Boys.

The best of you relates to giving of your best, of extending oneself, of trying new opportunities and setting high expectations.

Everyone one of us in this school can relate to giving their best. We know instinctively if we are or we are not; we understand sometimes why we can and we can't, but always, always we know it is up to us. We are asking everyone here, "are we getting the best of you?" 

The enrolment of over 200 new students into the school on Monday was a highlight. The opportunity we have as a school community to develop these young men is not one anyone takes lightly. Their enthusiasm, laughter and just willingness to be part of this school energises us to be better than before. 

The response of our school staff, students and community to the Red Traffic Light setting has been tremendous. We are a community and I am very proud of the fact that we are part of a community that is working hard to keep everyone safe. 

This was highlighted to our community yesterday with the suspected close contact in our Rectory. Vigilance is going to be important, so it has not hurt us to have a reminder. 

Obviously phones have been a hot topic. Yes, it is not the most popular decision I have made, but it is the right one. Deep down we all know that an increase in screen time or a prolonged exposure to some of the material available online damages young people. It did not make any sense for us to continue to sit by while this happened. This change won't be easy. It is not stopping cyberbullying, inappropriate material and the like, but it is creating a safe environment where every school day, there is a break from these pressures. 

And today, in the rain, the Tennis Dome has been erected. A real study in perseverance, close to two years in the planning, this will give our students another inside space for sport and physical recreation, vital on days like today when all I see are grey clouds and steady rain. Already in only week 1, this year has been eventful. This week has been fantastic, but I would be lying if I didn't say I am looking forward to a beer! 

Keep safe and we will do it all again on Tuesday.