By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday February 24, 2022
Every year we work hard to incorporate our school values into all aspects of school life.
The boys hear many different messages which encourage them to show the values of Respect, Courage, Perseverance, Excellence and Honour. We encourage 100% completion, we ask them to display behaviour that is "above the hoops", to show us the best of themselves. All this in order to grow "Men of Oak".
Last year in Term 4, work began with a group of boys on identifying what the school values really meant to them. This year's Year 10 students have now taken on the task of developing a reward system linked to the school values. If we want the boys to live these values, we must then reward them when they do! To this end, a reward scheme called Junior Values Badges will be introduced for Year 9 and Year 10 boys.
In Term 1, we are focusing on the value of Respect! So, we asked the boys "How do we display the value of Respect?"
They told us that they do this by:
Acknowledging diversity and treating all cultures with respect.
Listening to others and empathising with different perspectives.
Apologising when they are in the wrong.
Calling out disrespectful behaviour such as racism, sexism and homophobic remarks.
Congratulating the achievements of others and being kind and helpful to others in the school community.
Representing the school well by wearing uniform correctly and behaving “Above the Hoops” at public events.
Having a high attendance rate and being on time when handing in work or homework - 100% completion.
So how does your son gain a Values Badge?
By meeting BOTH of these criteria:
Criteria 1 - EITHER you have a GPA of 4.3 or higher for effort in your indicator reports for the term OR you are in the top 10% of students who gain house points for that term’s value.
Criteria 2 - You have been “name dropped” in some way. For example:
Letters to the Rector from the community which recognise exceptional acts that display the school values will mean an instant badge. You have “put your hand up, not out”.
Boys who collect Values Badges for Respect, Courage, Perseverance and Excellence over the course of the four terms, will qualify for an Honour badge at Junior Prizegiving. The Roll of Honour will be published annually, incentivising boys to leave a legacy in the junior school.
As parents, you can help your son embrace our school values and gain his badges by discussing what the values represent and asking him what he has done that day to live up to them. Together we can build "Men of Oak"!