SISS Triathlon Championships

By Andrew Willmott | Posted: Monday March 7, 2022

With very few events happening amid covid restrictions it was great to see the Oamaru Multisport Club, supported by Triathlon NZ, go ahead with their South Island Secondary Schools’ Championships last weekend.

This is an annual event, that has a loyal following, and combines elite athletes, weekend warriors and many schools across age-graded triathlon and duathlon races. While entries were limited, many of the fields were at capacity, and with limited racing opportunities the event drew in some notable elites. Andrea Hansen (nee Hewitt) and Janus Staffenburg being the headliners.

Only able to enter the two teams, Otago Boys’ was represented by several seniors who have been competing since Year 9, in their respective teams. With no other U-19 Boys teams they competed against themselves for the silverware. OBHS White, which included Eddie Wright (swimmer), James Gardner (cyclist) and Ronan Melville (runner), prevailed on the day. They finished in a time of 56.54 for the 750m swim, 20km cycle and 5km run, beating the Blue team of Henry Kirk (swimmer), James Howard (cyclist) and Matt Bolter (runner) by 4 minutes.

Our only individual, Harry Summers, competed in the very competitive U-16 Triathlon race. After exiting the water first and riding together with his closest rivals, it came down to the run. Unfortunately, Harry was pipped by Finn MacKenzie, from Malborough Boys’, by just 11 seconds. Harry recorded a time of 32.39 for his 300m swim, 12km cycle and 2.5km run. He will now focus in preparing for the NZ Schools’ Triathlon Championships, in New Plymouth, later this month. 

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