Matukituki Haiku

By 10B | Posted: Tuesday March 8, 2022

10B have returned from their week at Mt Aspiring.

This week in English they have written Haiku poems.

Gushing water flows
Sun glistening off surface
Trees watching above

Benjamin Crump

The river untouched
Rocks like ice cubes touch my feet
Swift currents pull me

William Munro

The forbidding chill
Of the swift river water
Bites me to pieces

Nirbighna Acharya

Sun spreads across all
Cool water flows among rocks
Great mountains stand tall

Aaron Young

Quiet and peaceful
Relaxing by the fire
Chilling with the boys

Jack Ussher

Beautiful and free
The river sparkling and bright
Racing down the stream

Joseph Chen


Frothy white rapids
Racing down the cold river
Turning and tipping

Jeremy Frei

The pristine blue water
Streaming off a glacier
While sandflies bite

Ollie Turnbull

Whispering darkness
The hypnotic dancing fire
Nighttime blissfulness

Rupene Skipper

Slap, slap goes the stone
The stone glides over the clear water
Rippling once, twice, three times

Hamish Grindlay

Te Anau Fly Fishing

Water still like glass
Moss covered trees catch low casts
Trout live on in peace

Henry Lucas