Year 12 English - short stories

By Hamish Morgan | Posted: Thursday March 31, 2022

The challenge was to write a short story of no more than 100 words.

It had to include:

· a broken computer/laptop/tablet.
· someone who claims to be the friend of an important figure (e.g. the Queen, Jacinda Ardern, Vladimir Putin …).
· A newspaper with something missing or cut out.
· A building under construction.
· A dog.
· At least one line of dialogue.

The streets are crawling with figures, zigzagging across footpaths and around buildings like ants travelling through the colony. Construction echoes across the block, as I stare up at the large building, littered with cranes and other building equipment, with a dog printed across it.

I reach a small store tucked away in an alcove below the madness of cranes and planks.

“Good morning, Reggie. You give up on that lie about Daniel Craig being your friend in college?” I joke as I’m handed a paper and coffee. I start to cut out a page about “How to Fix your Computer”.

Hamish Morgan