The Last Word

By Sam Gavin | Posted: Monday May 2, 2022

You know, it doesn’t really matter how you start, just take a breath and get on with it because as we all know starting is the hardest part. But once you have, it’s a lot easier to keep going. We all found this out when we walked through the archway on our first day at Otago Boys'.

The thing with Last Words is that most prefects only get one shot to do this speech and as a prefect we want to make it as meaningful as we can. Honestly, I think if a ‘Last Word’ is remembered by a few people or even part of it, for whatever reason, then at least it’s made someone think. The Last Words I remembered are ones I was able to relate to. They might have included some advice that has motivated me, inspired me, or made me strive for the better, or it may have even been something I didn’t agree with, but they still made me think. And this is what I would like my Last Word to do for you, “make you think”.

Anyway I’m getting a bit off topic. Let’s get down to business. How I’m going to make you guys think? How about giving you some tips, words of wisdom so to speak, about some of the things I’ve learnt over my time at Otago Boys'? I know I’m not anyone particularly special to preach to you because, let’s be honest, we are all the same at the end of the day. It’s just our experiences, interactions and decisions that make us different.

My first tip would be to enjoy the little things and take the time to enjoy them. Yes it’s been said before, but for goodness sake just try to do it because life sucks sometimes. If you take the time to slow down and remember these moments, they will help you through the times that do suck. These little things in life happen quickly and then they are often gone and may never happen again, so seize the moment.

I’ve always wondered why people get so worked up about getting the best grade or being in the top team. Yes, I understand that it feels good and working towards a goal is definitely worthwhile but relentlessly pushing yourself constantly isn’t the be all and end all. Maybe give yourself time to try new things, so you can see what you enjoy. It’s important to celebrate and work towards your goals but don’t put them ahead of relationships and friendships because this is the most important part of your life. Give yourself a break from the pressure and stress of always having to be the best. Why not focus on doing the best you can?

My second tip is don’t sweat the small stuff, just let it go. The small stuff can take so much energy that could be put to better use. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to be interested in what’s going on around you, but you don’t have to be involved in everything or try to change things that you can’t control.

My final tip is do what you enjoy and don’t be scared to try new things. We have pressure from our parents, friends and teachers who push us to do the best we can. But it’s important that you enjoy the things you do, not just what others think you should do. Have you heard it said that “if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life”. This is really what I am getting at.

Doing what you’ve always done is easy. If you don’t push yourself to try new things, how will you ever find out what you actually enjoy? Fair enough, it does take more energy to try new opportunities, but from my experience, it's worth it for those moments of enjoyment.

In life we will do things that we won’t enjoy. These things will help us grow, learn and survive, but remember to take the time to do the things you enjoy.

Personally, I try to keep these tips in mind, but it isn’t always easy especially with so many opportunities and people pushing and pulling me in different directions. In Year 9, I followed everyone else, which meant that I forgot to enjoy things. Then it got easier. I started to listen to myself and do more things that I actually enjoyed. I do still sometimes ‘sweat the small stuff’, but I make myself stop and have a think about what I’m doing to see if it's benefiting me.

As I conclude my speech and my time at Otago Boys', I think back on the good and bad times. Yes, there have been both, I cannot lie. They make up who I am today and are the memories and experiences I will carry with me when I leave through the archway for the last time.

In Otago Boys' fashion I will leave you with a quotation. “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what’s possible, then suddenly you’re doing the impossible.”  Saint Francis of Assisi.