A message from the Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday March 9, 2023

Another strong week.

The school is a very busy place at the moment. We are still in Year 10 camp mode, have completed another interschool and the classrooms are starting to get into their first rounds of meaningful assessments.

Keeping your son on track requires some diligence. I thought these three tips could be useful:

1. No matter what age, a diary or somewhere to keep a track of what is coming up is important. The back of the bedroom door is not a bad place, that way when he is in there, he sees it every time he goes out.

2. Timetables are not just for school. Planned recreation time should go along with planned study time. Small bites are fine, but routines are not just for school.

3. The 1% rule. What is it that they have done this week that is 1% better than the last? Is it getting up earlier, is it going to bed earlier, is it simply taking 5 minutes to plan tomorrow?

Weekends are a key time to refresh. Many of our senior boys have part time jobs and their weeknights and weekends can be quickly used up. I know because that happened to me when I was a senior boy here. Looking back, while the money was good, the chance to be independent was also attractive. What suffered though, was the chance to have space and time to relax.

Good habits and plenty of rest are important, particularly as we move into the cold and flu season next term.